Difference of DTG and Screen Printing

What are DTG Printing ? and how best to use it?

DTG is a popular printing method used to create eye-catching, colorful designs. But what is it? Well, as the name suggests, direct-to-garment printing is a method in which ink is

applied directly to the garment and then pressed dry. It’s one of the easiest forms of clothing printing – however, when done right, it’s easily one of the most effective.

So how does it work? Well, the process couldn’t be easier. Think of an everyday printer—only instead of paper, you’re using T-shirts and other suitable apparel materials. DTG

works best with materials that are 100% cotton, and naturally, the most common products are T-shirts and sweatshirts. If you are not using the correct materials, the results will not

be as you hoped.

All garments are pre-treated with a special treatment solution prior to printing – this ensures the top quality of each print and ensures your products always meet a high standard.

For darker colours, you will need to add another processing step before printing – this will allow the garment to allow the ink to penetrate the fibers and absorb well into the product.

After preprocessing, flush it into the machine and hit go! From there, you can watch your design unfold before your eyes. For best results, make sure the garment is flat – one

crease can affect the entire print. Once the garment is printed, it is pressed for 90 seconds to dry, and then it is ready to go.

DTG vs Screen Printing - Screen Printing

What is screen printing? When is the best time to use it?

DTG applies the ink directly to the garment, while screen printing is a printing method in which the ink is pushed onto the garment through a woven screen or mesh stencil. Instead

of soaking directly into the garment, the ink sits in a layer on top of the garment. Screen printing is one of the most popular methods in clothing design and has been around for

many years.

For each color you want to add to your design, you need a special screen. Therefore, setup and cost of production are increased. Once all the screens are ready, the design is

applied layer by layer. The more colors your design has, the longer it will take to produce. For example, four colors require four layers – one color requires only one layer.

Just as DTG focuses on the small details, screen printing focuses on the downside. This method of printing works best with solid color graphics and extensive detail. Typography,

basic shapes and ores can be made with screen printing. However, complex designs are more expensive and time-consuming because each screen needs to be produced

specifically for the design.

direct to garment t-shirts

Since each color is applied individually, you don’t expect to see more than nine colors in one design. Exceeding this amount can cause production time and costs to skyrocket.

Screen printing is not the most cost-effective method of designing – it takes a lot of time and effort to create the print, and as a result, suppliers don’t do many small batches.

Post time: Apr-21-2023